“Aesthetic” is a term which has entrenched itself in the zeitgeist, and for good reason. In the course of our day-to-day lives, we all experience and recognize aesthetic appreciation when we listen to our favorite artist, gaze at a sunset, or admire the outfits of stylish passersby on the street. What might not be so widely known however is that aesthetics is also a vital part of philosophical inquiry.
Questions regarding what may be considered art, what role it plays in our lives, and what makes something beautiful or ugly, sublime or mundane, cute or unsettling, as well as harmonious or clashing belong to this branch of philosophy. Furthermore, we may ask whether aesthetic judgements are subjective or objective, how aesthetics may intersect with morality, politics, and other normative fields, and why aesthetic taste exists at all in the first place. In this upcoming Socratic seminar, we will ponder these questions and more through open dialogue in order to arrive at a better appreciation and understanding of aesthetic theory.
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