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Introduction to Animal Ethics w/ Professor Jeff Sebo

What is our moral relationship with the other animals with whom we share the planet? Do animals have rights? And if so, what sorts of obligations and responsibilities do we have toward them? In this very special discussion with Professor Jeff Sebo, we will delve into these fascinating questions and more. This one is for all the animal lovers out there!

Professor Jeff Sebo works primarily in moral, social, and political philosophy with an emphasis on bioethics, animal ethics, and environmental ethics. His current work focuses on agency, sentience, and moral / political standing; the ethics of food, animals, and the environment; and the ethics of activism, advocacy, and philanthropy. His book Food, Animals, and the Environment: An ethical approach (co-authored with Christopher Schlottmann) is forthcoming from Routledge, and his book Why Animals Matter for Climate Change is forthcoming from Oxford University Press. In addition to his academic work, Jeff sits on the Board of Directors at Animal Charity Evaluators, the Board of Directors at Minding Animals International, and the Executive Committee at the Animals and Society Institute.

Join us on Thursday, April 15 from 7:00 to 8:00 PM ET

Zoom ID: 296 814 2250, Passcode: 43grx8

April 8

Socratic Seminar: Is Race Real?

April 22

"Buddhist Metaphysics: Turtles All the Way Down?" a Discussion with Dr. Allison Aitken